A 1-on-1 Phone Call with my undivided attention, time, focus, and guidance. This is where we speak about what energies are currently guiding your life and what is to come, fueling you with the power to easily navigate through to reach success. All of this is based off of the birthdate given to me. You may also provide me a date of a business or inanimate object.
I typically will review your energies and charts prior to the call since I like to get straight to the point once I'm on the call. I use Numerology, Chinese Astrology, and a little bit of Western Astrology (Traditional Astrology to be exact) to divine - be sure to include proper birthdates.
Live Tarot Reading & I also send picture of the cards (optional)
Quick Lifepath & Analysis
The General Energies Currently Guiding Your Life & Cautioning of upcoming Times to be Wary of
Big Transition Points in your Life to be Aware of
Your Next Enemy Years and Good Years
Overview of the guiding energies of this year + forecast of the coming year
If there are any specific things you'd like me to focus on, please feel free to let me know. If youd rather have a Natal Chart focused Reading or Numerology focused Reading, definitely let me know and I will be sure to custom tailor everything acccordingly.
Make sure to enter your number and email at checkout. I will be reaching out to both to figure out good time slots for us.
Live Divinatory Guidance - 1 Hour Call
By law we are required to say that we sell these products as Curios. We do not guarantee any results inferred by anything on this site. These items are curio or ornamental. By purchasing these products you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of disease.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Please Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.
Refunds or exchanges are not permitted, this is non negotiable.